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From the Movie "Signs" |
Every time I log
into Facebook to see what my friends have been up to in my absence and to learn if they have posted any new photos of themselves--after editing those photos in Photo Shop to remove wrinkles, crow's feet, cellulite, and flash-reddened
eyes--I am assailed by this question: "What's on your mind?" Heck,
it's right there, staring me in the face, in the upper left-hand corner of the
screen, so I can't possibly miss it---"What's on your mind?"
Why, I ask, does
Facebook care what's on my mind? Moreover, are my thoughts really that important to Facebook? Then again, perhaps Facebook actually does want
to know what's on my mind, as well as what's on your mind, and what's on the
mind of each and every person on planet Earth. Because maybe--think about it
now--Facebook is a clandestine organization run by extraterrestrials that are
watching us from the Mother Ship, which is hovering out there someplace in the
deep, dark reaches of space, and those ETs want to know exactly what we Earthlings are thinking.
They, of course,
can "read" our minds (telepathy), since they are much more advanced than we and
have that power, among others. However, they cannot read everyone's mind because some
people--including yours truly--are on to them and, therefore, wear our tin-foil
hats 24/7. And that is why the ETs had to resort to subterfuge.
See, they
created Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg is an ET) and then enticed us to join by
promising us the ability to connect with people all around the world,
regardless of whether or not we actually know them, as well post pictures of
ourselves looking better than we actually look in real life, and to share
recipes, videos, cute animal photos, sayings, and the modern-day equivalent of
the chain letter (Share this if you love me; share this or all your teeth will
fall out, etc.). But--now think about it--they also included the little thingy
at the top of the page that stares you in the face each time you log on to
Facebook and asks, "What's on your mind?"
And, since ET's
are much more intelligent than we, they "knew" that we would never
pass up the opportunity to share what was on our minds. We humans, after all,
love sharing our thoughts with other people, which is why we're always texting,
tweeting, blogging, and Instagraming (new verb there), even if other people
really don't care to have our thoughts shared with them and no one ever reads
what we text, tweet, blog, or Instagram. The ET's, however, know our weakness
is vanity, so they have found the perfect way into our minds---Facebook! Then
again, if we all wore tin-foil hats when we visited our Facebook pages, perhaps
we could put up some kind of collective magnetic force-field and prevent the
ET's from even reading what was on our minds. How's that?
And there you
have it, what's on my mind in the wee hours of the morning on November 10, 2015, and, yes, I've already shared my thoughts on Facebook.
#Facebook, #Signs
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